by the
As I look out my window, I see a white youth who is about to commit a hate crime. He is about to write a racial slur on a red BMW. This car is owned by the guy down the hall. My name is Charles and I work as nurse in the hospital. I have tonight and tomorrow off from work.
The owner of the car is Ricardo and he is very, very, handsome black man. I love to watch him jog and walk his dog. He is very beautiful and I love to have sex with him.
One night last month, I invited Ricardo over for dinner. He was surprised and he told me he is not gay. I told him not to worry. If he would let me, I would show him a good time.
I then gave him a glass of cherry coke. Unbeknown to him, I had put in a small hypo drug. This drug is so powerful that the subject goes under in 2 minutes.
I showed him my crystal chain. I had him look at it. By then, he was under my power. I wanted Ricardo to be in charge of the sex. I just gave him a suggestion to treat me like a white woman. Let’s say a white slut.
By the end of that night, He had me on all fours barking like a dog. I told him to treat me like a white woman. It was great. He had 10 inches and made me sore all day. I would love to go under his hypnotic spell and for him to hypnotize my white butt. I am going to teach him how to hypnotize so he can brainwash my hot white butt.
Ricardo and I are good neighbors and I have told him about my crush. He is very beautiful guy inside and outside. I hate to see his car be destroy.
The youth does not see me because it is twilight. My bedroom’s window is faced next to a wooded area with trees and some wildlife. Ricardo and I both park our cars in the back of the apartment building. It is easier to park them there. Just easy access.
I know I had to do something. I hate bigots and wish they would not exist. I had a great opportunity to try my hypnosis training. I learned it from the Navy. I went down stairs and met the young guy. His name is Jim and he was surprised by my appearance. I asked why he is doing that. He replied that he hates blacks and their kind. "My girlfriend left me for a black dog. I hate him and his people. They should all go back to Africa," stated Jim.
I asked him if Ricardo did anything to you. Jim replied no and told him that he cannot find a job. "The blacks are taking over the American. Faggots are everywhere. The Jewish people are financing the Chinese, Japanese, and Hispanic businesses," screams Jim. He cannot get a good job because the minorities are taking over America and that we as white people need to stand together and fight.
I told Jim that he was right. I hate all blacks and mud races. I invited him back to my apt. I want to join his white supremacist's group. I am happy to find another white brother.
We both entered my apartment and I locked the door behind me. I asked him if he wanted something to drink. He stated he wanted some cherry coke and I asked him to sit in this recliner chair. I went into the kitchen and got glasses for him and me. Next I went to my CD player and put a CD named "hypnosis." I turned the volume up and looked at my subject. The music is like mystical with chimes and a hypnotic beat. The speakers were behind the recliner chair. My subject would hear the music from both right and left ears. He loves the plush chair and I turned on my big screen TV. I handed him his coke and I had a glass of fruit juice. I told Jim that I am tired of the black race. They should serve the white race.
Jim started to chant "white power" several times. I had put a small hypnotic drug in his coke. Jim stated that coke taste very sweet. I told him that I put some cherry filling in the drink. I sit on my couch across from Jim. I told him to sit back and relax in the chair.
Next, I instructed him to relax. If he wanted to take his shoes off, go ahead. He did and he became very dazed for a few seconds. I dimmed the lights as I walked over to Jim.
Jim became very silent. I knew that the drug was begging to work. I showed him a Nazi Swastika. I told him to look at the a Swastika and admire its beauty. As I dangle the Swastika across his eyes, I told him not to resists. "The white race needs you. Look deeply at the Swastika," as I spoke to my subject. I told him to look at it. " Look at the beauty of the Swastika. Look deeply at it. Let your mind become relaxed. Notice the beauty of the Swastika. You find it to be very pretty. Just look at it. Just look at it," as I talked to him.
I keep dangling the Swastika back and forth. Jim’s eyes began to sway back and forth. He begins to relax and only forced on the Swastika.
"Look deeply at it. You like it. you are becoming very submissive and you must obey" as I kept dangling the Swastika. I told Jim to say "I must obey" twenty times. Each time you will become more submissive.
After Jim had chanted " I must obey," he is in my total power. Jim was at deep level of hypnosis. I must say that I am good. He was very easy to hypnotized. He was easy to programmed because he was brainwashed to be a racist. He went under fast and deep. I told him to look at the TV. I had put in a gay porn in the VCR. The name of the porn is "Black Power." It is about black men forcing white men into sex.
I told Jim to look at the movie and that he is attracted to Black men. He tried to resists, yet I turned on the strobe lights above the TV set. He was putty in my hands. I told him to relax and that is his now a white slut.
"You will obey the black man. He will submit to all men of different races. You are a white slut. You are a bottom. You like men. You like gay sex. You do not like women. A man is what you need. You need black cock. You need black cock." I said several times to him. He went under fast and hard. I was shocked that he went under my hypnotic spell.
Jim seems to fall very deep under hypnosis. The strobe lights keep his eyes on the target. He did not know what is happening to him. His is happy and yet mesmerized by the lights.
I gave him many suggestions and deiced to test them. I told him to count to 5. When he reaches 5, he will wake up and do not remember a thing.
As Jim counted to 5, his dick was erect. It showed in his pants. My dick was so hard. I deiced to call Ricardo over for a few min. Ricardo picked up the phone and wants to know the big surprise. Jim sits patiently like a zombie in the chair.
As the door open, Ricardo came in and sits on the couch next to me.
I told him how attractive he is tonight. I gave him a kiss on the lips. Ricardo embraced me with a kiss and hug. I closed the door and walked him over to the couch. I grabbed his crotch. "I have a surprised for you my love." I replied with love in my eyes for Ricardo.
"What is the surprised that you have for me?" questioned Ricardo as he kissed me. We began to French kiss each other and started to make love. I had to stop for a second. His kiss are so great. I snapped my fingers and Jim walked over to Ricardo and kneeled at his feet.
"What’s going on?" replies Ricardo.
"I have a gift for you." smiled Charles as he looked at Jim. Jim began to unzip Ricardo’s pants and begin to give him a blow job. Ricardo was shocked. "I thought this guy was racist. He never would talk to me in the hall. I tired to be nice to him, but he was always rude to me." replies Ricardo.
Jim replied " I need black dick. I don’ t know why but I need it." Ricardo sits back and began to relax as Jim gave him a blow job. I walked behind the couch. As Ricardo was getting into the blow job, I massage his chest and begin to suck in his ear.
In the next few minutes, we all three were on the floor. Ricardo was pumping Jim’s white supremacists butt. Jim screamed more and more. I became jealous because I wanted Ricardo to pound my butt. Jim begins to give me oral. He loved it. I programmed him to love dick now.
Ricardo noticed that I wanted him too. He took me and laid me on my back. He spread my legs in the air and began to insert his 10 inch black dick up my white butt. I scream and scream so much. I loved it. I loved it. I wish Ricardo would be my lover. As he is pounding my white buttocks, I am going to hypnotize Ricardo to be my lover. I think I will have him attracted to me and treat me as his white slut.
Jim began to wake up and notice that something is wrong. He looked around and cannot believe he had gay sex. He was more shocked of having sex black man. Ricardo began to noticed something is wrong.
I knew I had to do something before both of them knew what was happening. Jim gets up off the floor and start cussing up a storm. He was calling Ricardo all types of racial slurs. He stopped his ranting and noticed Ricardo’s dick. He begins to chant "Black dick. I need and desire black dick. Black dick is my master. I love black dick." Jim went back under my hypnotic sex spell.
Jim walked toward Ricardo and fell to his knees. He begins to suck Ricardo’s black 10 inch dick. Ricardo smiled and felt in ecstasy as Jim kissed and sucked on his dick so passionately . We deiced to do another three way. Jim was being the bottom on all fours. Ricardo was pounding his butt as I was on all fours eating Ricardo’s butt.
I never had such great sex. I think that I will hypnotize and keep Jim as sex slave. I hypnotized a white racists to be sex slave. Maybe there is hope in the world.Jim walked toward Ricardo and fell to his knees. He begins to suck Ricardo’s black 10 inch dick. Ricardo smiled and felt in ecstasy as Jim kissed and sucked on his dick so passionately . We deiced to do another three way. Jim was being the bottom on all fours. Ricardo was pounding his butt as I was on all fours eating Ricardo’s butt.


“Military Crossover”
Part 1 “Anything that can be thought up by the human mind, will one day be created by a scientist, whether the world is ready for it or not.”
I am a reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper. The story I have to tell is to hot to even make it into the tabloids let alone my paper so I am left to tell it to those who will listen on the Internet. An unknown hacker of a government computer passed this information on to me and the world must no what our government is doing to its people. The capability now exists to change people without them ever knowing as this document I am about to discuss clearly points out. I have left out or translated scientific jargon into English so that the reader may clearly understand what has happened to these men. The document reads as follows.
PROJECT “New Life” Objective: To study the ability to control unknowing subject’s thoughts, actions, and beliefs using inaudible subliminal mind control methods.
Subject Information: Greg (Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps) 23, 5’12”, 170lbs, blond hair, blue eyes, married with no children. Ultra Conservative Right Wing Christian (based on questionnaire). Steve ( Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps) 22, 6’1”, 187lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, single with no girlfriend/ heterosexual, Moderate political views (based on questionnaire). Experiment 1 Objective - Introduce the subjects to the first series of electronic subliminal suggestions. While on duty, both subjects are ordered to a small solitary room with a door marked “No Admittance without Clearance”. They are told to not allow anyone to enter without checking for appropriate authorization. After one hour of duty, the transmission of the first set of suggestions is transmitted to both men. Based on the results of previous studies, each man should think that the transmitted suggestions are his own thoughts and act accordingly. The suggestions have been individually tailored to each subject based on previous interviews and questionnaires. Greg is fed suggestions to become extremely sexually excited every day that he is on leave from this post. He will not be able to relieve this sexual tension with his wife because he will find that he is no longer sexually attracted to her or ANY woman. He is told he desperately wants to leave her. He will also begin developing a desire for his fellow officers. His desire will be strongest for any young manly stud in who stays in a room with him for more than 6 hours today (this just happens to be what Steve will do). He knows he can seduce any guy he wants to, but he must have Steve. He MUST do so to relieve his sexual tension. Also, He no longer is interested in any Religion that prohibits his sexual freedom and is told that he will become extremely liberal in his thinking about social issues such as homosexuality. Steve is fed suggestions that he is lonely and extremely desperate to spend time with any man who shows an interest in him. He is told that he will do anything to keep this man with him to get rid of his feelings of loneliness. No woman can do this for him, just attractive and interested men. Steve is also told that he will no longer be able to stand wearing clothes when he is on leave. He MUST go around home naked. He loves the feeling of being naked and the look of his naked body makes him desire other men, especially Greg, even more with each passing minute of nakedness. Both men are told that the suggestions they are given will be strengthened even more each time they look at a clock or calendar. With each passing hour and day they will become more determined to carry out their newfound thoughts and desires. They are then instructed to take all their clothes off and stare at each others beautiful sexy bodies. They will desire each other extremely, but will not know how to fulfill their desires until they return to this post after 2 weeks leave. They are told to stare at each others throbbing erect cocks and not notice anything else that is happening in the room. A scientist now enters and plants a microchip smaller than the eye of a needle on the head of each man. With this chip it will now become possible to monitor the actual thoughts of the two subjects. The scientist leaves without the two men knowing he had ever been there. With the chip implant complete, the two men are told to put their clothes back on and not remember anything that happened today. They are told to go on two weeks leave and return here immediately after their leave has ended for orders. They are also instructed to become friends with each other during the leave and Greg is told to spend time at Steve’s place, if it is at all possible. After 8 hours, the two men leave and both request and are granted a leave of absence for the next two weeks.
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