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Last Updated: Sunday September 25th, 2011 ![]() Hey, guys -- welcome to my blog! My name's Wes and I'm from San Francisco. So the other night, I had the craziest drunken conversation ever, and you will never believe with who! This post is basically about the amazing secrets I learned while chatting up a retired porn star -- and how I ultimately learned how to have the BEST SEX EVERwith his incredible secret! I won't lie, I'm a pretty average guy with a pretty average cock. I've certainly never gotten any complaints with my 5 or so inches - well, not to my face anyway. But that's what pretty much every other guy has, right? Well since when is being average in anything "good enough"? When I surf for porn, I'm not looking for an average dick. No, I scour the internet for that beefy, 8 inch sultan of schlong! And you know what? I want to be hugely hung like that too. Maybe it was kismet, I dunno, but my prayers were answered in the weirdest way. So I was in L.A. on business, having a gin and tonic at the hotel bar and struck up a conversation with the guy sitting next to me. What he told me totally blew my mind. "What's it like being a porn star?"So this guy Stan (he asked me not to use his real name) and I were talking about our work. He told me he worked in the adult entertainment industry and directed gay porn! I was stunned. I joked about how any guy would kill to be a porn star. Then he dropped the bomb. He said, "Before I started directing porn, I used to act in them." Oh my God, seriously? Absolutely! He reeled off the names of a dozen films he'd been in, what it was like to work under Chi Chi LaRue and Michael Lucas, and even told me some juicy tidbits about his co-stars! I begged him to tell me more, so we ordered another round. After a couple of hours of listening to his amazing stories, I finally busted out and asked him: "It's got to be hard finding porn stars with giant cocks, huh?" That really cracked him up. Finally, he told me, "Not at all! Let's just say most of them weren't born that way." What separates porn stars from "average guys"?If there's one thing that never ceased to amaze me, its how porn stars always seem to be able to fuck like a horse. Finding a good lay that has more stamina than the energizer bunny - AND the equipment to back it up - but not in the porn industry. These guys fuck like Gods! So I asked Stan why porn stars are so much better than average guys. That's how I found out what porn stars know that the rest of us don't. It's easily possible for an "average guy" to have absolutely mind-blowing sex and screw for hours. "The real problem on the set isn't having sex -- that's the fun part. It's staying hard during a 2-hour sex marathon." He crunched on some ice cubes and then said, "There's a lot of pressure to perform. We have a whole film crew there -- two guys on each camera, lighting, the art director... and every minute sex isn't happening, we're losing money. So a great porn star can stay erect practically forever. And, after the money shot, he has to be ready for the next round instantly." Biology is not a porn star's friend. It turns out there's this thing called a "refractory period" -- basically, after you orgasm, you can't get an erection again for some time. This refractory period can last up to 2 hours for some unlucky guy. Some guys don't even have the energy to go for another round at all (we call them the shitty lays). Now, if you watch as much porn as I have (admit it, you do), you know that most porn stars are not only able to keep it up for hours, they're also ready to go seconds after an orgasm. So I asked Stan, "How do you find these incredible fucking machines?" He grinned at me. "Porn stars aren't born. They're made." Why Porn Stars Have Better SexNow, I don't know about you, but I'm not rocking a porn star cock. I'm barely average (if that). There's just no way I could ever compete with a porn star - or so I thought. After a couple of rounds of drinks, I finally convinced Stan to give up the secret that turns normal guys into porn stars. Here's what he told me: "Back in the 80's, if a man couldn't keep his dick hard throughout a flick, it could ruin the whole production. When Viagra came out, porn stars started using it left and right, but Viagra stops you from being able to cum, killing any possibility of finishing with a money shot. It also gave the guys nasty headaches and turned their faces red, which looked horrible on camera. You also didn't have the selection of cocks that porn has now. Most guys were barely 6 inches, if that. It was pathetic." "But there was this one studio that produced porno after porno with hour-long sex marathons, and their actors never looked tired or uninterested. But what was even more amazing was the size of these guys massive cocks. I mean, they were HUGE! Easily over 8, 9, 10 inches. This one guy's schlong was over a foot-long! It was insane!" "But how did they do it?" I asked excitedly. Wouldn't you want to know? He made me buy him another drink before he'd answer. "So apparently the actor got his hands on this rare herbal aphrodisiac that's been used for centuries to stimulate sexual desire and expand blood flow to the penis. It was a little known herbal blend that's sold as Xanogen, and it was power-packed with ingredients to supercharge your libido and stamina. Not only did it give you a rock-hard erection, but it could even add another 2 to 3 inches in length to your penis! It also doubled your girth. With results like that, word spread fast, and soon everybody who was anybody in the porn industry had a stash of these pills on hand for every production." I tell you, my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I said, "So you're telling me that I can just buy these pills and I'll be having porn star sex with a bigger dick?!" How Porn Stars Keep It Up All NightI couldn't believe a little pill was all it would take to have a huge, rock-solid erection. "Don't porn actors start to lose feeling in their junk from fucking all day? Even if I had a bigger dick that stayed harder for longer, I don't think I'd have the energy to have sex for hours on end." "But we have a workaround for that, too," he told me. It turns out there's an amino acid, L-Arginine, that controls blood flow and oxygen delivery in the body. It instantly puts you in the mood and amplifies your body's reaction to stimulation, while giving you an explosive sex drive. Stan explained it in detail but I don't really remember the details, except that the scientists who figured this stuff out won the Nobel Prize. The upshot is, if you use topical applications (it has to be topical, so all the ingredients go to the right place -- otherwise it just dissipates in your body) of L-Arginine gel, as lube for instance, erections last forever. No matter how raunchy or how intense the sex, you can always cum on command with this gel. And when I say cum, I mean blow the top of your head off. "There was this one director I worked with who ordered this stuff by the case," Stan said. "I asked him why he bought cases and he said, Because they don't sell five-gallon buckets. Now I know what he means. On my sets, we use gallons of Erexanolevery week." What happens when you use both products?So here's the best part: when you combine the two products, you get what's called asynergistic effect meaning that both products work even better. Here's what Stan, and the porn stars he worked with, experienced:
2 Products That Will Give You Porn Star Sex (almost for free)
PS: You can get "free trials" of both these products -- lucky you! (Stan and his boys don't qualify for free trials anymore...)PPS: Oh, and by the way, the last time I checked there were some killer coupons for these products. Click here to see them and get your discount!So is this for real or what?I'm typically a skeptic and a bit of a cynic, so I didn't really know whether or not I should believe my new friend. So after I recovered from my hangover (two days later, lol) and got back home, I did some research. Call me a geek if you want, but I couldn't help myself! Anyway, I learned about the anatomy of the penis and what it takes to make your penis larger. Well after all that reading I learned that both of the products recommended by my porn star friend are really solid, all-natural products. It even turns out that there are free trials for Xanogen and Erexanol. I decided, what the hell, its free, so it might be worth a shot! A week or so later I got my free trial of Xanogen and Erexanol (which cost me less than ten bucks!) I ordered both because I wanted to test the whole system and really increase my chances of getting the real porn star experience. Both products arrived in the mail a few days later and my adventure began! Xanogen + Erexanol = !!!All right, here's the deal: This product combo make me have mind-blowing orgasms. It's ten times better than poppers! Every time I cum it seems to go on and on -- two or three times longer than before. I used to be a once- or twice-a-night guy. Since I've been using these products, I've become a four- or five-time a night guy. I know it sounds like bragging but it's the truth. I really want you guys to know what you're missing out on. I had no idea sex could be this good. It's amazing. I feel like a teenager again(and I fuck like one, too!) Erexanol not only makes a great lube, it really does help you stay hard for as long as you want. It's a good feeling -- knowing I can last as long as I want. The best part is that now I get harder way faster and last so much longer in bed. Overall, I really started feeling like a porn star! It's an amazing feeling, let me tell you! I feel like I'm in total control in a whole new way. It's a great feeling. How it changed my lifeHonestly, I tell you, I just can't believe how easy it is to fuck like a porn star. That's why I had to share it to the world so you can do this yourself. I want every guy to try this secret for himself. Once word gets out, you'll never have another lonely night. That's right boys, you don't have to settle for average sex anymore! This experience really has changed my whole life -- for the better! I have so much more confidence when I'm talking to men because I know I can back up my dirty talk! I don't have any excuses or even hesitate to walk up to the hottest guy in the room. I have this unbeatable confidence. It's hard to explain, but it feels great. People respond to it, too. ;) I seriously don't even have to try anymore. They just come running. If you want to try this offer too, here are the links for the special offers - get both products for less than $6 with these coupon codes!!Visit Xanogen - Mind-Blowing Swedish Sex Fuel Promo Code: SAVE Visit Erexanol ("Lube with Benefits") Promo Code: SHIP (So according to what I've been told, these coupons work for practically everyone who tries them, so go ahead and do it!) Now look -- if you bumped into me at a bar or nightclub you'd just think I was another a-hole who got lucky and was born like this. But believe me, I know all too well justhow lucky I am. Inside I'm still just an average guy like you. I'm so lucky to have met that porn star and am really one of the luckiest guys I know. I want you to know thatyou can be like this too. Trust me -- if I can do it, anyone can do it. It costs less than dinner and a movie! I mean, I spend more than that to order porn. I'm telling you,it's worth it. When you do end up trying these products, be sure to let me know, yea? Just leave me a comment below -- I'd love to hear your two cents! So far a couple of my friends have tried this and gotten amazing results. I want to spread the word and get this porn star secret out there for all guys to try. Give it a shot. You've got nothing to lose, and a whole lot to gain. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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