My God costs me hard work. I must be very clever
To keep this unkown to people. My slavery is a secret of high offices.
I worship, I worship, I worship

sit on my dick and show how much been teached by your Father is arousing
show back some improuvements to Him, loved son

hail ,cock

sexual animal in control
habilities and directions
an ogm bull with many dicks as a milky cow
in front of u, cowboy
work for Satans farm in Wall Street barm
pbr is fucking simple

focus on growing more&more

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by rcflaxThis story is a work of Fan Fiction. It in no way is meant to imply a certain sexual orientation regarding any characters included in the story. The owner of the copyright for some of the characters included in this story is Marvel Comics and no copyright infringement is intended.
This story includes forced sexual stimulation, mind control and sexual torture of a fictional super hero. If this type of story might offend you, or if you are underage, please do not read this story.
I had started out really quite innocently. In order to raise money for charity, all of the Fraternities at Metropolis University decided to have a slave auction. Celebrities would be auctioned off to the highest bidder and would spend a day entertaining the frat members.
As the money was going to charity the a-list slaves signed up immediately. Superman was more than happy to volunteer his services to the highest bidder. Little did he know who that bidder would be and what he would be forced to do for his new “master”
It was a gala evening at METU, and the man of steel himself was in great demand. It wasn’t often that the elite of Metropolis society could actually mingle with the super hero.
Shortly before the auction a large group of students crowded around the hero. Asking questions, joking with the muscular stud. The girls and some of the guys were admiring his incredible body. Some were forward enough to touch his chest, nipples, 10 pack, and a few were brave enough to go right for his twin melon bubble butt and even his bulging package.
The stud hero didn’t mind the attention and the students were crowded in close enough that no one could tell that hands were massaging and grabbing his most private areas.
Continuing to answer questions and listen to comments, one of the questions was just what the hero would do in his role as a slave for his master. How far would he go to please his master? “You’ll just have to be the winner” he would reply, feeling a finger trying to force its way into his ass crack and another rubbing the head of his super cock.
Even the man of steel was not immune to having his cock massaged and he realized that the friction against the mushroom head was causing slight stiffening in his rod. Knowing that he would soon be on stage being auctioned off he attempted to back away from the cock groping hand. It wouldn’t do for the elite of Metropolis to see the hero with a woody, not tonight.
The hand followed him as he tried to move away and as he looked to the source of the manipulation he saw to his surprise that it was the president of one of the most prestigious fraternities on campus. He had met this young man earlier but had no idea why he was attempting to give the super stud an erection in front of this crowd.
The young man moved in closer, his groping still going unnoticed and while blocking the frontal view of the others he surprised Superman by plunging his hand down between the yellow belt and red Speedo type trunks and the front of the blue unitard. Now with nothing but the very thin blue fabric between the invading frat boy fingers and Superman’s growing cock the boy whispered to the man of steel that his frat was going to be the high bidder, and that they were going to expect a lot from the super stud.
Then with a quick squeeze of the grapefruit sized ball sack, the boy and his mates moved away. Leaving the hero with an erection tenting his red trunks much further out from his body than anyone could ever remember.
Superman could not understand why his cock had responded so eagerly to the boys touch. Normally he was in complete control of his body. He would not realize till later that the frat boy had actually been massaging the super package with ground red Kryptonite.
It was time for the auction to begin. The other celebrities were sold off one by one. Superman was saved for last. As his spot approached superman was just a bit unnerved by the fact that his cock was hard and throbbing. Somewhat held in check by his tight red briefs, the super cock was like cement and tented his costume far out from his body. As long as he could keep his cape around his body he would be able to conceal his bloated manhood from the crowd.
When he was called to the stage, Superman did his best to keep himself covered but with all of the attention and his being prodded to move around and show people what they were bidding on, it was impossible for the super stud to hide his huge swollen manhood from the audience.
Humiliated by his unexpected cock exhibition, the man of steel still did his best to participate in the spirit of the auction. The MC even commented on how excited the man of steel seemed to be selling himself as a slave for charity.
The bidding was frenzied. The price for 24 hours of servitude by the man of steel had risen to over a million dollars. Still in the bidding game was the young man that had so forcefully squeezed the super stud’s super balls and had seemingly created this embarrassing situation for the earth’s protector.
As the price for Superman went to 1.5 million, and sensing the continued discomfort of the sexy super stud on the podium, the MC called one of the sorority sisters up to the stage and ask her to pose with the soon to be super slave.
Much to Superman’s chagrin, the girl seemed to take quite an interest in his package, even brushing her hand on it. Then she said that she wanted to see what the super hero looked like without his cape. At first refusing, the continued taunting and cheering by the crowd finally forced the stud to agree to remove his cape.
The girl was eager to assist, moving in really close as she dug her lower body into the tenting red fabric covering Superman’s erect dick, She practically crawled up the front of the super heroes body in her attempt to remove the cape. Finally detaching it from the collar of the blue unitard and allowing it to fall to the floor.
For the first and only time that anyone could remember the most perfect man on earth was standing without his cape. This allowed all in the room and those watching on television to see the amazing profile of the super stud. From his head to his toes nothing blocked the view from his erect cock in front to his amazing twin globe bubble butt in back. The bidding immediately topped 2 million dollars.
The MC joked that the more of Superman’s amazing body he exposed the more money that was being raised for charity. Superman didn’t like where this was going but as so much money was on the line he would continue to participate. Because, for some reason he was horny as hell. His cock was still hard as steel, his bloated nads were churning in their sack, and there was a strange twitch in his ass crack. He still didn’t realize that the frat boy had spread powdered red Kryptonite on his hand before he shoved his hand down the hero’s red briefs and rubbed it all over the crotch and ass of the blue tights.
The red Kryptonite sexual stimulant was working it’s way through the thin blue fabric and onto his shaft, nut sack and most private and tiny entrance. His brain was unable to concentrate on anything but sex, and his ability to react to impending danger was greatly reduced.
The emboldened girl moved in on the stud hero and began to move her hands over his ass and basket. Talking about how this would all belong to the highest bidder for 24 hours. The girl then found an open seam in the back of the blue unitard. IT was normally hidden by the cape. At the top was a hook that held it together at the neck but from there down it was open and could be pulled apart all the way down to the yellow belt, looped around the super slim waist.
Without even asking or any warning she turned the stud so that his back was to the audience and with one quick motion, stripped the top of the blue unitard off the now exposed back of the hero. The crowd erupted, the cheers were deafening as people hooted, whistled and screamed at the site of the amazingly muscled and now naked back of their super hero.
His first thought was to put his costume back on but the reaction of the crowd and the bidding now reaching over 2.5 million dollars led him to allow the crowd to view his exposed back.
"Now, who wants to see the super chest of this super stud?", the girl screamed at the crowd. The man of steel resisted, holding his arms up in front of his body and not allowing the girl to pull the front of the blue unitard off his body. The crowd booed as the man of steel protested his slow forced striptease. But the reaction of the crowd soon convinced him that there would be a riot if he resisted any longer.
The girl looked out at the audience and ask for help removing the thin blue fabric from the hero’s chest. The frat boy who had groped Superman earlier jumped to the stage to the cheers of the crowd. Resistance was now futile for the super stud as he allowed the two college students to peel the top of his costume off his body.
The roar of the crowd was unbelievable. It was the sound of hundreds of people seeing the bare chest of the most perfect male creature in the universe for the first time. The body was so incredibly amazing. Completely hairless, huge half dome Pecs with inch long hard nipples rising from dollar size dark areolas. A 10 pack of deep sculptured ab muscles leading to a smooth hairless stomach. The view of tanned naked skin stopped only at the line where the blue tights draped over the yellow belt with the famous “S” symbol.
The crowd still screaming, the bidding reaching to nearly 3 million dollars, a humiliated and extremely embarrassed Superman stood half-naked facing the audience.
With the girl on one side and the boy on the other, each grabbed a muscular arm and raised it high over the super exposed body, to more hoots and whistles from the audience. The exposed armpits were as hairless as the rest of Superman’s muscle stud body.
"Are you hairless everywhere?" the girl ask, causing Superman even more embarrassment.
The bidding jumped to 3.2 million dollars and With the crowd watching the tote board and the super hero even more distracted, the frat boy took that moment to quickly stab his Kryptonite coated hand deep down into the front of the hero’s exposed to the crotch costume.
The boy got a good hard grip on the heroes’ manhood that was still hidden from the public but open to his powder coated palm. He was able to coat the super cock and nuts plus run a finger all the way back and massage the tiny rosebud hole of the super alien stud.
Equally as fast the frat boy pulled his fist out from the confines of the thin fabric, but not before gripping the super cock and pulling it straight up and out into the open.
Superman’s cock had been tenting straight out pointing it’s massive mushroom head into the blue fabric encasing it, but suddenly now pulled straight up, it was far to long to be confined inside the protection of the costume. Before Superman realized what had fully just happened, he was standing on stage with the top of his costume pulled down and his now completely red Kryptonite coated cock protruding a good 10 inches above his costume.
The audience hadn’t noticed yet because the frat boy was standing directly in front blocking their view, as he pleaded with the audience for higher bids. As he spoke to the audience, the boys hands were held behind his own back at just the height of the heroes big mushroom cock head which he twisted and smashed between his fingers, further coating with the red powder.
Superman seemed unable to extricate himself from this humiliating situation. The red Kryptonite was severely affecting his pleasure centers of his brain. This frat boy that had been standing in front of him was the only thing keeping the audience from seeing his big bloated cock sticking up from his blue unitard, and to top it off the boy was still massaging his exposed super cock as he was talking to the audience.
The powdered red Kryptonite was taking a toll on the man of steel; His sexual cravings had kicked into overdrive. He was sweating and now a river of pre cum was flowing from his shaft. The boy was building the audience to frenzy, promising that if the bidding got to 4 million dollars he had an incredible surprise for the audience.
Stepping aside but keeping his arm covering the exposed shaft of the sex charged stud hero, the boy hinted at what 4 million would expose. 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 million, the bidding increased and the boy moved his arm a little each time. Then as a final bid raised the anti to 4 million, the frat boy removed his arm. There standing naked to the waist was Superman with the top half of his mighty hard as steel cock fully exposed sticking far up onto his washboard abs, a river of clear liquid pouring from the slit in the mushroom head, running down the shaft and staining the blue fabric covering the bottom half of the might member.
There was a hush across the audience. Never did they think that they would see the man of steel humbled this way, but almost immediately someone started applauding, others whistling and still others yelling for more skin.
The girl started charging up the audience, “You want to see more?” She screamed over and over. The boy taking up the chant. “Strip Him” came the reply from the audience. As it became a chant, STRIP HIM, STRIP HIM, and to their surprise the mighty hero seemed unable to defend himself. In fact Superman’s hand had moved up and was touching his own cock head.
The girl slapped the hand away. No great super hero. No touching yourself. The boy then turned to the audience and said “Do I hear 4.1 million”, the bid was made, the girl pulled downward on the belt covered with the blue unitard exposing another few inches of lower stomach and cock shaft.
“Do I hear 4.3 million” the boy screamed. The bid came in. The girl walked around to Superman’s naked back, lifted up the blue fabric exposing the clasp holding the famous yellow belt in place and with much fanfare opened the back of the belt, then walked around to the front pulled up the hanging blue fabric of the unitard and slowly pulled the belt from the loops in the red briefs. The famous yellow belt with the “S” emblem now hung from the girl’s fist. She looked over at a man standing just off stage, then walked over and handed him the belt.
STRIP HIM! STRIP HIM! came the chant from the crowd. “DO I hear 4.7 million” the boy yelled. The bid came in. The boy walked up to the sweating, straining pre cum oozing super hero, lifted up the blue costume, slipped his fingers beneath the waistband of the red briefs and slowly stripped them over the bulging bubble butt, down past the cum filled ball bulge down the thighs, to the boots. Then he ordered Superman to levitate his body just off the stage so he could remove the red fabric briefs and to the amazement of the audience Superman complied. Lifting off just enough to allow the boy to take his briefs off. The girl walked over to the man at the side of the stage and handed him the red briefs.
Now in just the remains of the blue unitard and the red boots, the super hero slowly floated back to stand on the stage.
“Superman“, the boy said. “You have helped Metropolis University raise more money then ever thought possible. Your generous support of our cause has excited both this audience and most obviously excited you.“ The girl stepped forward, standing directly in front of the hero and grabbed his shaft and quickly jacked it up and down, sending electrical charges to the heroes brain as the red powder was ground deeper into his skin.
The flowing juice from the hero’s cock was turning milky. He was close to ejaculating, sealing his complete and utter humiliation as the cream of metropolis society watched.
"Do I hear 5 million?" the boy yelled. As the audience took up the STRIP HIM! chant once again.
The 5 million-dollar bid came in. The girl quickly turned Superman’s back to the audience as she grabbed the blue unitard and slowly slipped it down over the most incredible muscle ass anyone had ever seen. Two perfect globes with a crease down the middle wide enough to expose the tiny starburst outer gate of the man of steels most private spot, to those closest to the stage.
Superman’s exposed ass was now worth 5 million dollars. The girl ran her hand over the twin globes, inserting a finger into the crack just brushing the outer gate, The audience screamed in delight. How quickly the high society had turned on their hero. They were a mob now. A mob that would settle for nothing more then their hero completely naked and completely humiliated.
“Superman” the boy said. “I want you to levitate and lay on your back about 4 feet in the air.” Without hesitation the Kryptonite weakened hero rose in the air and lay flat on his back in mid air. The blue unitard hung low still exposing the bubble butt but was still covering the base of the 14-inch super shaft and the bulging ball sack; the girl grabbed the super cock and slowly stroked it. The boy screamed “Do I hear 5.5 million” The bid came in. The girl continued to massage the head of the red swollen shaft. The boy moved down to the hero’s boots, reached up and grabbed the blue unitard and ever so slowly pulled it down. The top edge moved down the remaining inches of the cock shaft, lifted slightly as it slipped up and over the bulging churning man eggs incased in their hairless flesh sack.
Once past the balls the blue fabric slid easily over the legs to the top of the red boots. The audience missed nothing as the giant video screens all around the stage showed the mighty hero slowly being stripped and jacked from every angle. The cameras missed nothing including the milky fluid pouring out of the heroes over stimulated cock.
Now with just the boots and blue unitard hanging from his feet, the girl grasp the red angry cock and pulled it out from the heroes body. Holding it out at a 90-degree angle. For the first time the audience saw just how long and big around the mighty man of steels cock really was. It was like a giant obelisk rising from the hairless crotch of the muscular hero. Gasps rose from the audience. As they stared at the super shaft with the fountain of leaking fluid pouring from it’s head.
”Do I hear 5.7 million?" the boy yelled, as the girl continued raising and lowering her fist up and down the shaft. The bid came in. The girl released the shaft and replaced the boy at the foot of the Heroes body and began to remove the red boots. First the right, then the left. The girl walked over and handed the boots to the man at the side of the stage.
As she returned, the boy walked to Superman’s midsection, reached in his pocket brought something out in his fist and seemed to sprinkle a fine powder all over the mighty ones cock and balls. He also placed some on the hero’s nipples, reaching down and rubbing the powder on the inch long flesh nubs. All captured by the cameras and splashed on the giant video screens. Then the boy took some more of the powder and poured it into the heroes gaping mouth.
The body of the hero was now wet with sweat as the powdered Kryptonite took affect. The hero’s mind was blank. The only thing that was controlling his body now was the need for sex. Rough hot sex and in his sex charged state he didn’t care whom he had it with.
This was why the man of steel dreaded red Kryptonite. It released all of his inhibitions, causing his body to crave sexual gratification with no regard to his safety or the consequences of his actions. He needed his balls to be ripped from his body, his cock to be jacked till it was raw and bleeding and in the most extreme case he had to be fucked. He would seek whatever would fit up his ass to give him pleasure.
The boy now returned to jacking the super flesh pole with one hand and manipulating the giant man eggs with the other. The girl grabbed the blue unitard hanging from the hero’s feet and ripped it free of the magnificent body and took it over and handed it to the man at the side of the stage.
The man at the edge of the stage now had superman’s complete costume. The symbols of the earth’s protector that had been slowly stripped from his body as he seemingly was helpless to stop it.
From the mightiest man on the planed just a few hours ago to a naked ruined super hero hovering in mid air having his cock jacked by a frat boy. It was clear to everyone watching that Superman could never be taken seriously again. Once the pictures of this debauchery make it to the Internet and the video was transmitted around the world the great Superman would be the laughing stock of the world.
Now, the boy screamed. Do I hear 6 million dollars, and let me tell you that whoever places the 6 million-dollar bid will have the honor of forcing this great super hero to shoot his load. "DO I hear 6 million dollars?" The bid came in from the man at the side of the stage.
Slowly, the man walked up on stage and over to the leaking naked hero. The crowd gasped as they realized that it was Superman’s most hated enemy, Lex Luthor.
It seems that Lex had orchestrated the destruction of the only man powerful enough to stand in his way of taking over the city. Now with the hero disgraced, no one could stop him.
Superman opened his eyes and saw the man who had tried to destroy him many times before. He had never gotten this close. The man of steel was virtually helpless against his own sexual desire. He had to take whatever the evil Lex had in store for him.
Lex took over from the frat boy who had been continuously jacking the mighty cock then signaled for a few of his men to enter the stage, pushing a table. Attached to the table appeared to be a long red phallic shaped object.
The table was placed into position directly below the sweating body of the hero. The red cock shaped object placed directly in the crack of the heroes muscle butt cheeks.
Lex reached down under the bull balls and used his finger to position the red Kryptonite cock in just the right spot. Pushing the finger hard into the outer defenses of Superman’s tiny hole, then raising the table slightly so that the rounded tip just slightly pushed into the slightly breached entrance.
The rounded tip of the phallus might have measured an inch in diameter but the shaft quickly spread out to where after the 15-inch shaft, the base of the red cock was nearly 12 inches in diameter.
The video cameras captured every movement, from above and below. The huge video screens each showing a different scene. One shooting up from within the table showing how Lex had used his finger to push slightly into the heroes outer gate and then position the tip of the giant rock cock just ready to breach the gate.
Another camera displayed the heroes mushroom cock head pouring out a river of milky fluid, pooling at the base of the shaft and draining down over the impressive super alien nads.
Another camera showed the hero’s handsome face, tears in his eyes, saliva dripping from his mouth as it opened and closed in sexual anticipation and desire. While still another showed a close-up of his churning eggs producing mass amounts of sperm in their hairless sack.
Now with everything ready, Lex looked out at the audience, now in hushed silence. “Ladies and gentlemen, it has cost me 6 million dollars to get the earth’s protector into this position. He is absolutely helpless to stop his own destruction. In fact he craves the outcome of this final act of degradation. The world will watch as I masturbate this hero to a mind-shattering climax. My assistants will now attach electrodes to the heroes man eggs so that when the climax begins his cum pumps will be stimulated beyond his control.” The thin wire harness was now fitted over and around alien stud’s testicles. Separating them into two distinct large orbs, pulling them each so tight in their sack that the skin was transparent. The camera captured the bloated peach sized gonads now held so tightly in their flesh sack that they could be seen pulsing in their restraints. Lex continued, “As this so called hero begins to cum, an electrical charge will cause such a massive explosion deep inside his sperm reservoir that he will become completely powerless, this will in turn allow his body to fall from where his remaining super powers allow him to hover at this moment. As you have all witnessed I have positioned this massive Kryptonite cock just poised to enter his tiny hole and rip him open as he impales himself onto it, slowly sliding down until he is stretched to it’s full 12 inch diameter at the base.”
“Again Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the destruction of your precious Superman.”
The crowd now realizing what is about to happen, is horrified that they all played a part in their hero’s end. They had become a mob demanding that the perfect alien body be stripped naked in front of them. But they couldn’t have known that what started as harmless fun could have led to this.
Lex placed his hand completely around the cock shaft rising up from the hairless groin of the helpless hero. He began to jack the shaft from top to bottom very slowly paying particular attention to the most sensitive area just below the mushroom head. After about 20 minutes of constant jacking the hero was gasping for air. His eyes were rolled back in his head and the moans coming from his throat were audible to the entire world via the television broadcast.
The hero’s ultimate ejaculation was so close. He was begging for release. Lex now concentrated his jacking on the head of the red raw blood and pre cum soaked cock. With the other hand balled into a fist he began to bash the hero’s super balls, held tight as they were in the wire harness, even more vulnerable to Lex’s crushing fist.
The destruction of the hero was at hand. His balls being smashed to pulp by Lex’s fist triggered his cum pumps. As the first jet of white hot man milk erupted from the head of the super penis, Lex’s assistant flipped the switch, which jolted Superman’s ruined gonads with a thousand volts of electricity.
The sequence of events happened just as Lex had said they would, but the jetting explosion of cum continued to for longer than anyone thought possible. Super cum rained down on everyone as the electrical shock forced the man of steels cum pumps to shoot continuously until his sperm reservoirs were completely drained and as this happened and weakened the still perfect looking stud hero, his body began to fall onto the red rock cock poised at his tiny hole.
As the cock forced it’s way slowly at first past the outer defenses of his ass ring, breaching the gates with a non-stop motion. Then proceeding further and further, breaking through the inner protecting ring as it now plunged with all of his super body weight deeper and deeper into the heroes virgin rectum. The force and angle of the entry caused Superman’s body nearly into a sitting position, then smashing into the man of steels prostate, before ripping in further and further until the full 12 inch base and the table halted the impaling.
The tortured helpless body of Superman flailed on the table. Blood and semen still drooled from his now flaccid cock, which had draped itself over the muscled left thigh.
The once massive bull balls had shrunken and been pulled far up into his body cavity, the electrical wire and harness still hanging from the now empty ball sack.
Uncontrollable spasms shot through the still stunning Kryptonian body. A leg would twitch then an arm. Superman’s head rocked back and forth, fluids drained from his gaping mouth and his flaccid cock drooled the last remaining drops of milk from what was left of his deflated sack.
Pointing down at the cum soaked body of the ruined hero, Lex spoke to the crowd. “For the next 24 hours, all this belongs to me” then reaching down and picking up the limp penis that had just moments ago stood so proudly, Lex went on “At least what’s left of it” “Men, take him away”
From the wings Lex’s men wheeled out a piece of machinery. A sort of a crane looking thing with an x shaped top and chains hanging from it. When the x was lowered over the body of the super hero, one chain from each tip was attached to each wrist and ankle.
When the X was raised, the limp arms and legs of the broken stud were lifted into the air until the only part of him touching the table was his ass still held firmly to the table by the huge Kryptonite dildo stuffed far up into his body.
Playing this for ultimate humiliation, Lex allowed the hanging, bent double impaled super hero’s body to just hang there like a side of meat. The audience was still quiet, some openly wept seeing the destruction of Superman.
Lex signaled for the crane to be raised further and as it moved slowly upward, the gaping asshole, stretched to a full 12 inches at the base of the rock cock began to lift off the table. Inch by inch the stone dildo became visible, emerging from the heroes gaping hole.
Helpless and unable to control his body, the hole remained wide open as he was pulled upwards. After the first couple of inches of the rock was pulled from the hole it no longer touched the lips that used to defend him from forced invasion.
Now lifted off the huge stone cock, the cameras captured his gaping hole. The battered prostate and ravaged rectum were open to the world and the huge screens captured every sad humiliating twist that the hanging body made. Hands and legs tied up to the Crane. Ass hanging down. Most of the audience was sobbing.
Lex motioned for his men to take the pathetic hero away, and they all left the stage.
No one in the audience moved, as what had just happened set in. There would be no one now to protect them from the ravages of LuthorCorp. The evil Lex Luthor would now be free to do whatever he wished. And, what would happen to the man of steel. His body wheeled off stage, bound up like a pig on a spit. Would Lex kill the hero?
The boy and girl who had been part of Lex’s evil plan quickly left the building, not knowing the repercussions of their actions. Then soon there after, the elite of Metropolis Society filed out into the evening.
To be continued
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