Male, 18. I don't often get the chance to share with others and I can't really remember everything too well, but I like being open and honest about myself, so here goes. lol
I was pretty nieve when I was younger. Between the ages of 8-12 (I don't remember the age exactly but I remember the house I lived in at the time) I would sneak
a look at a few of my dad's porn magazines or the drawings in a sex encyclopedia we had every now and then, but my first orgasm was aged 13 (different house.) My dad had given me a whole bunch of Playboy calenders from the 70s and 80s, and at the time I often looked at them in my room after mum and dad had gone to bed and rubbed myself. I think my first orgasm
was a surprise to me. I was just rubbing myself one time and all of a sudden I felt funny in my penis. I thought I'd had an accident when a little bit of clear liquid came out of the end (it was only clear the first time), but then I kind of accepted it and continued to do it late at night. Since then, I've been experimenting with myself; watching different types of porn, using a vibrator, anal masterbation, etc. It usually feels good in different ways, but there was something about being young and unsure that I think I kinda miss. lol

Actually, while I'm here, mind if I ask for your opinions on something? When I was 7 years old, there was a girl in my class at school that I had a bit of a love/hate relationship with. One lunchtime we decided to go off together and find a place where we were alone. As I said I was nieve but she wasn't as such and we showed each other our parts and . . . well, there was a temperary moment of penetration into her vagina but nothing else happened. I do consider myself still virgin, but sometimes looking back I'm not quite sure. :/ Thoughts?

Getting Started with Edging
Edging is simply a BETTER way to masturbate. Let my penis be y guide to attaining new levels of orgasmic delights!

I strongly recommend that you read this section exactly the way that I wrote it.
Pull down your pants and grab your cock!


Welcome to Masturbation & Edging 101. My name is
Scott and I will be your horny instructor for
what I hope will be the most physically
that you will ever experienced. I will be using my own personal
experiences with Edging to illustrate
how satisfying this amazing form of
can be. Since I love
going barefoot and have an intense fetish for

male feet,
there will be a foot theme throughout
this tutorial. However, you do not have to be into male feet to enjoy edging. Just substitute your own personal sexual trigger and read on!

I really love masturbation and edging so it brings me a LOT of

This hand, coupled with good edging techniques, has brought me to unbelievable states of ecstasy.
This is my cock's favorite place to be! As a matter of fact it's in there right now! ;-)
What is Edging?

For those of you not familiar with edging, it is the technique of

Here you can see me barefoot & edging, hard at work on the content for this Getting Started
with Edging section. Edging feels absolutely INCREDIBLE - the level of pleasure achieved is mind
boggling. I decided to add this section to my blog so that guys who are not familiar with edging
techniques can become familiar with what it takes to pleasure your body to a state a pure ecstasy.
Advantages of Edging

- Increased Pleasure While Stroking - Edging is not just about the orgasm, it is about the entire cock stroking
process. When I am right on the edge, every single stroke of my penis feels
amazing. I am not exaggerating when I say that the intensity of pleasure is 90% of an actual
- Extended Amount of Time to Enjoy the Pleasure - Once you develop a good
edging technique, you can ride the edge for as long as
you like. How long would you like
your session to last? Remember, you are experiencing 90% of the pleasure of an
orgasm an it feels incredible! One hour? Two? Four? It's completely up to you.
- Intense Orgasms - Needless to say, after hours of being on the edge, when you finally decide to ejaculate it will blow your
- Increased Cum Volume - When I masturbate
for long periods of time the volume of my cum increases substantially. That increased
volume contributes significantly to
the quality of my orgasms.
More fluid =
more squirts
= more pleasure.
I also notice that my cum becomes more fluid after long edging sessions
, which feels amazing when it is squirting out of my cock. It takes on
a very smooth, silky texture
that feels great to
touch and is very useful as a lube. It also seems to take on a deliciously smooth taste.

Finding the Time to Edge

If you feel as if you just don't have the time to

I generally sleep about 6 hours a night, which is 2 hours less than the norm.

Getting Started

- Lose the Hang Ups! - Masturbation is a normal
and healthy
part of your
sex life.
Forget about all of the guilt trips and myths that you may have heard while growing up
. Masturbation is one of the healthiest ways to experience
TOTAL pleasure.
I have absolutely loved
to jack off since the first day I popped
a boner. Over the years since those first cock strokes I have explored MANY
ways to better pleasure myself.
Masturbation is now a firm part of
my private
and my social life
. Forget about drugs/alcohol -
edging can elevate you to a super-high unlike anything you have ever experienced before!

- Cum Again - For Quick Shooters - If you are a
"quick shooter' who can not jack off for more than
5-10 minutes without shooting, try this technique
to get you started on the road to
edging. Jack off and cum using your regular
technique. Don't worry if it's just a quickie - the important thing is for you to
ejaculate. After you cum, wait about 10 minutes to give yourself time to relax. In the meantime, check out some fresh porn to stimulate your mind for a while.
“there is nothing more in this world that i need than to serve You.”
After an orgasm your cock will bemuch less sensitive than before you jacked off. This loss of sensitivity
can actually be a great help when it comes to learning
how to edge. Start jacking off
again, even if your cock isn't totally hard yet. What you are trying to do is to get used to
stroking your cock for a long time before cumming. Continue to
stroke for as long as it takes to get hard again, and then continue through orgasm. Notice how good it feels to stroke your
cock for such a long time before cumming. You will find that your stroking time will increase many times over. Use this
"second cumming" technique to increase your stroke time. Eventually you will be able to stroke for quite a bit longer WITHOUT cumming first. Welcome to OBEY YOUR MASTER FULLY, IMMEDIATELY AND SILENTLY (except for “Yes, Sir”).
Do not attempt to understand the reason behind the command It is none of your concern.NEVER QUESTION YOUR MASTER.
Especially in public. A Master is judged by the slaves he keeps and a reluctant or disobedient slave is the worst possible reflection on him.EVERY STATEMENT OR QUESTION DIRECTED TO YOUR MASTER SHOULD CONTAIN “SIR” OR “MASTER” AS HE PREFERS
This is a sign of respect and puts what you are about to say in the proper perspective.FURNITURE, ESPECIALLY CHAIRS, BEDS AND COUCHES, ARE FORBIDDEN TO YOU FROM NOW ON.
Stand at all times unless your Master directs you otherwise with permission to sit/kneel. Then sit at his feet. It may be necessary for you to kneel or lie down to perform certain duties. Your Master will instruct you on this.SHOW YOUR BODY AND WEAR YOUR CHAINS AND MARKS WITH PRIDE.
Your Master cares enough for to want you identified as his property. If he wants you to bare, bare everything with or without embarrassment to him. You’ll get over your own embarrassment.ACCEPT YOUR PUNISHMENT GRATEFULLY.
You may have done nothing intentionally, yet you still need a change of attitude or bearing.
Always thank your Master at the end of these enlightening sessions.ANY AND ALL SEXUAL MATTERS ARE EXCLUSIVELY YOUR MASTER’S CONCERN.
He will tell you what he wants and when. Never question his judgement, if he requires something which you feel is beyond you, relax and be quiet; he may be trying to help you become a better slave by expanding your experience in this area. Your sexual needs once expressed are unimportant.FORGET WHATEVER “LIMITS” YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE HAD.
Those are for weekend slavery trips. Your Master wants to protect his property and will do nothing to endanger it.TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH.
You are to serve, whether it be with labour or love. A sick slave is a burden to his Master.ALWAYS MAKE YOURSELF AVAILABLE TO YOUR MASTER.
Remember every inch of you is his and should be available to him anytime. Don’t make him have to reach for any part of his property.PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS ARE UP TO HIM.
There are places and situations that dragging a nude slave around by the ring in his nose ring or cock isn’t appropriate. He should decide, not you. When in Rome..LOVE, HONOUR AND OBEY BUT STAY OUT OF HIS HAIR.But he has more important things to do than to supervise you 24 hours a day, 7 day a weekthe world of edging.
Of course he should know where you are and what you are doing at all times.

- Don't Rush - Set aside at least an hour to
masturbate. Take the phone off the hook, turn off the TV, and make sure that you will
have no interruptions. When you know you have an hour to do nothing except jack off, you will find it easier to extend your stroking time.

I love having several hours set aside specifically for practicing

produces a lot of sperm every day and it is very
entertaining coming up with new and inventive

ways to coax it out of my cock. It also gives me time to explore new cock stroking techniques and
how my body responds to them.

how my body responds to them.
- Start & Stop - This is the basis for all edging
sessions, and once you perfect it
you will be able to stroke your cock for hours. Masturbate until you feel your body
starting to get ready to cum. Finding that exact point may take quite a
few sessions, but hey - it sure is fun experimenting! Once you find the
"magic point" - the point at which you can stop stroking just a split second before that uncontrollable urge to ejaculate kicks in, you've got it made. Eventually you won't need to
totally stop stroking to prevent your orgasm, you will learn to
simply slow down your stroking and ride the wave of pleasure that comes
just before orgasm. With practice, you can stay on that wave for HOURS!
- Anticipation - Think about your
nightly masturbation session during the day. Think about how good it's going to
feel - how much pleasure is going to envelop your body - how much FUN it's going to be to
stroke your cock for hours. It's amazing home many times I think about masturbation throughout the day,
AND how many times I pop a boner while doing so! I love
having my hard cock pressing against the inside of
my jeans. If I use my hand to apply pressure to it through my jeans it feels great!
When it's finally time to masturbate all thatanticipation really pays off. Unzipping my jeans will always
result in my hard cock popping out of my pants ready for
action. Even just looking down at my dick, framed by my
bare feet, is a great feeling since I know that it is...time.
Finally, those first few strokes feel incredible thanks tohours of excited anticipation. I usually start stroking with a very
loose grip - just barely touching my cock - almost tickling
it. I then slowly tighten my grip over the next minute or
two until I've got my normal edging grip. It's all part of the foreplay guys - this is real sex so enjoy it!

- Relax and Enjoy Yourself - Enjoying
yourself doesn't just mean enjoying your cock. Take some time to
enjoy your entire body. Slow down when you are getting undressed and don't be afraid to enjoy your
own body. Massage any pleasure centers that you may have.
For me, I have very sensitive feet, so I love massaging them. It makes me horny and really
gets me in the mood to jack off.
so I enjoy most male feet - including my own. This is also my favorite
part of edging - getting

started. Remember the anticipation - I've been thinking about playing with myself all day long
and now that I'm just about ready to start all those HOURS of
intense pleasure - I love it!!!!
and now that I'm just about ready to start all those HOURS of

Just being barefoot gets me hard immediately. We all have our own triggers,
so experiment with yourself - it's a total blast!

Masturbation is just another form of sex so don't forget the foreplay.
I enjoy massaging my feet and sucking on my toes.

Just seconds away from that first touch. I LOVE the feeling of my cock in
my hand - warm and pulsating and ready to go to work for me.
the pleasure - head to toe. Those are VERY happy toes you're looking at! Remember to find
a comfortable spot to relax while you masturbate.
a comfortable spot to relax while you masturbate.

- Since edging involves stroking your cock for
hours, it is very important to find a comfortable place to go at it. Like most guys,
I spend a great deal of my masturbation time in front of my computer looking at
porn. Therefore, it was important to find a comfortable computer chair for my
naked ass to sit in! ;-) But seriously guys, don't be afraid to spend a little extra on your jackin' chair
- you'll be glad you did.
Undress as much or as little as makes you comfortable. It varies for me. Often just being barefoot with my pants down is all that's required.Other times, particularly on my longest edging sessions, I love being completely naked. Plus, it can be a lot of fun squirting all over my naked self when I cum. So basically, go with your mood!

When all that stroking is over it is SO worth it!
Oh man did this feel INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!
Further Thoughts
Today's society seems to lay a lot of guilt on the act of masturbation, which is CRAZY! There are plenty of things that you SHOULD feel guilty about - smoking - drugs - alcoholism - gambling - etc, but masturbation is definitely NOT one of them. With
practice, edging can bring an intense natural high that surpasses ANYTHING you could ever experience with something like drugs or alcohol. Come on guys. we all love
the feeling of a great orgasm - imagine prolonging that incredible feeling so that it lasts for hours!

To give you an idea of just how much I love to masturbate, I put together the following statistics about my favorite hobby...
Scott's Personal Masturbation Stats | |
Average masturbation session length | 2.5 hours |
Average number of days/year that I masturbate | 360 days |
Average number of hours/year that I masturbate | 900 hours = 37.5 days |
Average number of cock strokes per minute | 240 |
Average number of cock strokes per hour | 14,400 |
Average Number of cock strokes per session | 36,000 |
Average Number of cock strokes per year | 12,960,000 |
That's right, in an average year I spend well over
one month stroking my
cock nearly 13 million times!Trust me, the pleasure is all mine!!!!!!!!!
I spend the majority of my masturbation time right on
the edge - that magical place right before the uncontrollable urge to ejaculate takes over.

Comparison of Various 2 Hour Activities | ||
Activity | Cost/person | Possible Outcomes |
Go out to dinner | $30 | 50% Chance - Satisfied 50% Chance - Heartburn |
Go out to a movie | $15 | 30% Chance - Satisfied 70% Chance - Disappointment |
Go to a bar | $40 | 30% Chance - Good time with drunk friends 70% Chance - Hangover |
Masturbate/Edge | $0 | 50% Chance - Great orgasm 50% Chance - Incredible orgasm |
Clearly masturbation gives you the most value for your dollar!

Sperm is the most intimate and personal thing that a guy can produce. It contains our life force - it is full of our sexual energy. For a dedicated
edger, cum is the product of HOURS of SUPER INTENSE pleasure. It spends quite a long time in
our balls and finally travels the entire length of our erect penis before emerging into the world. It
should be considered a very special and nearly sacred fluid - the product of our total manhood. OK, with that in mind, onto creative things to do with it...

- Save it - This is the important first step - Obvio
usly, if you don't save your cum you will not be able to use it again. How you choose to save it is totally up to you. I usually cum in a glass if I have future plans for my load.
- Use it as a lube - This is probably the most co
mmon use for cum, and it is a good one. It makes a very good lube, and it's very hot knowing that your cock is drenched in cum while you are jacking off. It makes a cool sound while you are stroking too!
- Savor it - The aroma of fresh cum is something that needs to be savored. Edgers become very familiar with the smell of cum - we
produce a lot of it and we're always squirting it somewhere. I enjoy smelling my own cum - it has a musky masculine scent that I love. For me it is the
smell of sex!
- Taste it - Most guys try this. How can we avoid it?!!
Whenever we masturbate we always get cum all over our hands and fingers
There isn't a guy alive who hasn't at least tasted a drop of his own cum at one time or another. Edgers seem to eventually develop a real craving for it. I love
dipping my finger into my cum and spreading it on my lips. I then lick it off my lips with my tongue and savor the flavor. Oh man!!!!!!!
- Swallow it -One things leads to
another, and before you know it you will be swallowing many of your own loads. After I developed a fondness for the taste of my
own cum, it didn't take me long to swallow my entire load. My cum has a very smooth
and silky texture that feels WONDERFUL in my mouth - swirling around
my tongue and sliding down my throat. I love it!
- Share it - But masturbation isn't always
about frequently involves others. As I have mentioned, I love
jacking off with other guys, particularly if they like to edge for long periods of time. When it is finally time to
cum, an open mouth can be a great place to squirt! I really love
seeing another guy savoring my cum - it's a super turn on that gets me stroking all over again.
Frequently Asked Questions About My Masturbation and Edging

- What made you put up this website about edging?
Basically, because I really love masturbation and edging. It brings me a LOT of pleasure so it's a lot of fun sharing
what I've learned with other horny guys. I think that edging is a fine art that can be learned
by anyone willing to put in the time. Also, it's the ultimate in safe sex, which is really important in today's society. And in terms of a
natural high - edging is the ultimate! The orgasm produced after hours of edging can be as close to pure ecstasy as humanly
possible. When you look at all the drug and alcohol abuse that is so prevalent today, edging is the BEST way to get feeling really good.
On the way to an evening of pure ecstasy!I love helping other guys to get off. Sure, I'd LOVE to be stroking your cock in person - having your nice hard cock in my hand - but unfortunately I can't be everywhere at once. However, I actually get off
knowing that some of you are stroking longer, and having better orgasms, because of what you've read here.
Last, but certainly not least, is that fact that it is a total
blast putting this website together. This entire website was created
during several of my edging sessions. I literally take a break to stroke my cock between every sentence that I type. I'm doing it right now as a matter of fact! ;-)![]()
- How often do you masturbate?
I do my best to find time to masturbate every day. I think that masturbation is an extremely healthy and fun way to relax as long as it doesn't interfere with my other daily activities. The way that I look at it, if I'm too busy to masturbate I sure won't have the time to miss it, and jacking off after a day of abstinence feels even better!
- How long do you edge?
As long as possible! I never masturbate unless I have at least an hour available - that is the absolute minimum amount of time that I will stroke my cock. I would estimate that my average session time is about 2.5 hours, although I usually find one night a week to go for 3 or 4. My longest sessions are 5-6 hours.

- How many times a day do you cum?
Usually just once. That's the
whole point of edging - building up
a tremendous amount of sexual energy to be
released in one massive orgasm. Stroking for hours without cumming results is pretty good sized cum
load when you finally ejaculate. Although all orgasms feel pretty good, those with the most cum always feel the best, so
why not go for the max?!! During my best orgasms I can usually pump out about 10 good sized squirts - oh man, it feels sooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!
- Is edging a substitute for "real sex"?
Not at all. Edging actually enhances sex with another person because you learn how to totally control your body during arousal. Being able
to prolong the period before orgasm makes sex all the more fun. Edging can turn you into a GREAT lover.
- Are you cut or uncut?
I am cut. I didn't have any say in the matter! ;-) I love all types of cocks.
- How big is your cock?
My cock is about 7" - not the largest, not the smallest, but it can sure hold it's own. It has served me VERY well!
- Do you ever jack off on cam?
Yes. I used to do it quite often
but I am taking a break from that scene. I admit that it can really be
fun though - jacking for hours on![]()
cam, getting totally naked, and finally cumming all over myself is as fun for me as it is for you guys! I eventually grew a little
tired of it so I'm taking a break right now. Besides, my webcam is real cheapo and it's not up to
today's standards anymore! Every once in a while I'm on though - so keep looking.
- Do you like to edge with other guys?
You bet I do! Talk about a nice relaxing evening with friends... ;-) For someone as open about edging as I am, it's not too hard finding friendswith similar interests. It's fun stroking with another guy - the one to one ratio is pretty nice - but every once in a while it can be a real blast with a larger
group. Watching other guys get off is hot, as is letting them watch you.

If you have any questions or comments about edging. masturbation, male feet, or just about any other topic that you can think of - drop me
an email at I LOVE hearing
from guys who share similar interests. Tell me about yourself, and don't be shy. I'm DEFINITELY
not shy about myself - I have an intense male foot fetish and I am always checking out other guy's feet - I love going barefoot and I enjoy baring my feet in public - I REALLY love to masturbate, either
lone or with other guys - It's fun masturbating in front of other horny guys, showing
them how much I love to edge - I enjoy the taste of precum and cum, and the list goes on and on.
Basically, I am one horny guy!

Keep My Cock Happy

- Source: sleazebuckets
- basketball player

If you have a new masturbation technique, or something that you would like me to try with my cock, send it along and I'll give it ashot. I love exploring new
things - especially if it feels good... ;-) I have received quite a few tips from

visitors to my blog that I have implemented into my daily edging sessions.

Also, if you'd like to send pics of yourself - feel free. I'd LOVE to have a look at you while I am riding the edge. I have shared quite a bit about my
sexual self on this blog, so it's awesome when I get some feedback from you
guys - it brings us all closer together - united in the pursuit of the ultimate male pleasure.

Anyway, I promise to stroke my cock while reading, and responding
to, your messages. I spend several hours every night
with my hand wrapped around my hard cock - pushing the envelope of male masturbation as far as it will go!

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