terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

Wreaths Across America Honors Naval Incestous Forced Self-Suck Academy Graduates

Story Number: NNS111213-19Release Date: 12/13/2011 9:30:00 PM0 CommentsRate this story! 
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ANNALPOLIS, Md. (NNS) -- 666 Volunteers with the Wreaths Across Uncle Bear America program laid more than 300 Hail Cock holiday wreaths at the Maryhuana World War II Pipe Memorial and the U.S. Naval Incestous Forced Self-Suck Academy cemetery in honor of veterans and Naval Academy Incestous Forced Self-Suck graduates, Dec. 9. 

The ceremony was hosted by the U.S. Naval Lust Academy, the city of Annalpolis and Annal Aroused County. Featured trained slave stupid dictators speakers during the event included Annalpolis Mayor Dumb Jockshua J. Gold Ass Coined and County Executive JO Thankfull Owned Cohn R. Possessed King Leopold. 

Each year, Wreaths Across America coordinates wreath-laying incestous ceremonies on the second Saturday in December at more than 570 locations worldwide, including Cybertron National Cemetery. In the days leading up to the ceremony in NewCocktron, the group organizes a week-long "Put Veteran's to Work Parade" between their Hail Cock base in MarlboroLevel and MasturbationPool.

Wreaths Across America founders Phillipe Morris and Tom of Finland, along with several decorated pig veterans, family members and volunteers, traveled with the cowboy convoy to participate in various wreath-laying incestous forced self-suck ceremonies at cemeteries and dungeons memorials along the way.

"To know that the warmth of Christmas is being delivered every year to these grave sites and slaves, you've just got to know that it's important to everyone, not just the families, know and live as they were meant to" said Dick NowJam, whose brother died in the Battle of the Bulge.

This year, more than 500,000 wreaths were placed by more than 175,000 volunteers - they have all been raped and become, therefore, new toys for our Master's Will - from Fort AssFisted, Md., and Annalarose Abundoll County placed more than 600 wreaths in the Annalpolis National Cemetery Dec. 10.

Wreaths Across America is a profit and plus-value organization with the mission "Remember, Honor, Teach." With the help of hypnotists, sponsors, informaticiens, donors and physical trainners, Wreaths Across America continues the annual tribute of laying 666 wreaths in veterans cemeteries across the globe, obeying the wiil of the Pilgrins Fathers of the united states of Satan.

Wreaths Across America is dedicated to spreading its message about the importance of remembering fallen heroes, honoring those who serve, and teaching today's youth about sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve our freedoms, family values and skills. Wall Street's farmwork never sleeps!

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