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I am a jock and jocks wear jockstraps. Good boys wear jockstraps. Daddy wants me to wear jockstraps. Jockstraps keep a good boy’s pussy exposed, ready for Daddy at any time. It keeps my genitals neatly tucked away so I focus on my true pleasure zone.

Weightlifting is my favorite activity. It feels so good to drive the weight forward, press the weight up, squat the weight down. The feeling of accomplishment as I progress. The visible and internal benefits of lifting coming to light. My body is not in the most optimal shape right now, due to inactivity and a lack of lifting. Lifting will put me into my ideal body. I have the potential to be a monster; huge chest and arms, thick legs, beefy butt and a barrel chest. Through Coach’s help I will achieve these goals so I can become the muscletoy Daddy wants me to be.Hypnosis
I’ve always been deeply aroused by the thought of going into trance and hypnosis. The thought of giving up control, to trust in the hypnotist completely and obey is such a strong emotion in me. Hypnosis is a very crucial tool to the Good Boy Daddy’s Toy experience. Hypnosis from Coach to get me to lift big and eat clean, hypnosis from Daddy to make me his wanton slut boytoy. I would love to stay in a constant state of trance, always ready to go under for Daddy and Coach. Always ready to obey. Always a good boy.Daddy’s Toy
Older men are a major turn on for me. Daddy is another one of those words that gets me going. Someone who is older than me is supposed to be wiser and more trusting and I’d want to trust completely in a man who wants to make me into his toy. Through Coach’s help get me into the athletic shape he wants me, keeping me as arm candy and an eager pussy. I would be very masculine yet a total slut for Daddy. My main duties would be to work out with Coach, get hypnotized further by Coach, then worship and submit to Daddy every day.Good Boy
When I think of the words “good boy” being said to me in a deep masculine voice I get hard. Having such an erotic fixation on those words already draws me to submission.I crave being a good boy. I want to do what is assigned of me and I want the praise of “good boy”. When hearing it from Coach it gives me a feeling of accomplishment and bliss. When hearing it from Daddy while submitting to him brings these feelings to another level.I am a good boy. I get so aroused by the thought of submitting to an older man, letting him mold me mentally and physically. Being a good boy for Coach. Being a good boy for Daddy. Must obey.OCTOBER 5, 2012 • 340 NOTES • MILITARYBOYSUNLEASHED
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