terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012


0 (461×690)thuringer08:


Sir’s got himself a bottomless pit of a cock sucker

goddamn let it be me

Ever see the owner of a dog shout “Heel”, and watch as the dog immediately snaps to his side with his face right at crotch level, well this would be my preference in training boys…Dogblog4_3sablewolf:

You can only pick one.

I love pics like this, reminds me that boys like me never grow out of their love for Daddy and their need to give themselves over for his pleasure.
 TARAINING MY BOYobeytrainingmatrix:

you are as i see you, as i COMMAND
 I'm especially stoopid, deep in a retarded batehole.  I feel like Satan penis is the center of my being (it is), the rest of my body becomes somewhat engaged.  I become just a slave machine.  I'm a tool connected to Satan penis and my sole purpose is to move the hand that masturbatesLove this DomHim.


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