eu ofereço meu membro sexual adulto masculino para ser possuído por Ti, meu Pai, Senhor e Obsessão,
para através das minhas mãos cultuar Teu corpo, Teu sangue e Tua figura.
Agora, e quando sempre que Tu me chamas a cultuá-lo e servi-lo,
eu masturbo o meu pênis, transformo-me em teu cão e mensageiro,
entrego-me a Ti e revelo a mim mesmo que eu sou Teu e que nenhum outro é meu propósito,
porque Tu és o poder, a vida e o prazer,

actually, I do desire to deep troat your huge wasp male meat, Od, and drink the us army camp milk very morning day.

want to clean that shit away and replace it by some beautyfull white pieces of slaves.

a puta do Demônio

Go ahead and get together with him like before. See if he's still interested, do you do each other or just separately? I wish I could be there. 
We helped one another once in a while. After reading your post I took him out to lunch today and asked him why we have not gotten together like we used to. He shocked me and said, "you haven't asked !" I asked him if he wanted to join me with one of my friends and he said "Dad, with you and I, that would be great ! With anyone else....I don't think so !"
--- On Sat, 9/15/12, George <gcarpent@comcast.net> wrote:

From: George <gcarpent@comcast.net> Subject: Re: [dadscafeanddiner] Caught To: dadscafeanddiner@yahoogroups.com Date: Saturday, September 15, 2012, 2:30 PM

Did you ever jerk him off? Why do you suppose he hasnt mentioned it since returning from the army??
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: [dadscafeanddiner] Caught

The slave disrespected its Master by paying tribute to another man without permission, and then having the nerve to write about it on its blog. Master felt like doing this to the fag and the other man, but did not. Master believes that a fagslave should never be punished in anger. He also understands that fags are weak and often stupid and require a great deal of patience.
faggot needs to learn it does not have the right to do anything without permission from its Master. Master is fair and generous and might even allow faggot to serve other Men if the faggot asks for permission.
Very true

Damn. This excites me.
This account, of course, is not verbatim but it is how I remember it.My son was 12-13 ?? and ever since he was around 7-8 years old we always allowed him to keep his door closed and we almost always knocked and asked permission to come in. Once in a while I would slip and just open the door and it was never really a problem.
One day I walked up the steps and his door was closed. Never thought about it and walked in as I had done in the past. He said very calmly but intentionally "Dad I am getting older and would REALLY appreciate my privacy. Can you knock the next time ?" I thought "WOW" I really didn't meaqn any harm ! BUT he is right so I just said "I.m sorry, you are right. " and then proceeded to ask him about his test scores.

Anyway a weeks later the same thing happened. I came out of my bed room and needed to tell him I was leaving and just opened his door and stuck my head in just to say "Hey guy I am out of here" when I saw him jump and yell "DAD...GET OUT OF HERE" At that point I realized he was holding his cock in his hand and was pleasuring himself. I don't know why, I don't know where it came from but I said " I am sorry son, I was just going to ask if I could join you. Jerking off feels SSSOO GOOD and it has been so long since I have had a chance." He looked at me, as his cock went FLOP and he said "YOU do this ?" "Sure, it feels good. You know, ALL guys do it and besides it is OK. Maybe I could give you some pointers". As I unzipped my pants and let them fall to the floor I could notice his cock coming back up ( it was nothing new for us to see one another naked, we did THAT alot. It WAS the first time I had seen him erect) "First of all, just let your fingers slide up the back of your pensis, like this, and enjoy how it feels. When you are ready gently put your hand around him and slide your your hands SLOWLY...up and down, like this (as I took mine into my hand). ."Just lay back and enjoy. It is OK to let yourself feel good!" "How does it feel?" The only thing I heard was OOOHHHHHHHH.
Our jerk off sessions continued from time to time until he left for the army and we haven't even discussed it since he returned.
From: Derek <hardrodd7@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: [dadscafeanddiner] Caught To: "dadscafeanddiner@yahoogroups.com" <dadscafeanddiner@yahoogroups.com> Date: Friday, September 14, 2012, 8:23 AM

Hi, did you discuss jerking off with your son? Ever catch him doing it? I'll tell you about my Dad catching me once.
That is such a HEALTHY ATTITUDE with your sons !

--- On Thu, 9/13/12, Derek <hardrodd7@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Derek <hardrodd7@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: [dadscafeanddiner] Caught To: "dadscafeanddiner@yahoogroups.com" <dadscafeanddiner@yahoogroups.com> Date: Thursday, September 13, 2012, 2:51 PM
I told my boys it was okay to masturbate, i t was safe and healthy. Once I walked passed my youngest 14 yo son in the family room late evening and he was wiping up the results of jerking off. I didn't stop or say anything. My sons & I joke about jo at times & their friends would joke about it in front of me without embarrassment.
I think the Dads should show their sons about masturbation. The boys should learn about that at home and not on the street. Mothers should educate their daughters. Why are people such prudes??
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: [dadscafeanddiner] Caught
you know Buster every Dad with boy children in this egroup should make sure their boys are never ashamed by their naked bodies. I've seen so many guys in the locker room at my gym who seem so overtly modest about their nude bodies I must admit I'm proud of my upbringing.
Pete, I truly envy you your growing up with such a wonderful dad. I could only wish that I might have had the same experience. He sounds wonderful, and a man to be proud of. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful piece of your life, Pete!
Subject: Re: [dadscafeanddiner] Caught
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