cockwork orders are to been obeyed

He is the sanest, most issue-free man this
slave has ever met
He only talks as one needs what He has to say or as He has a passion to share
His slaves 4, 5, and 6 moved on in life because they no longer needed His direct Man-to-slave contact. He lived with 4 for about a year after the family of slaves was no longer together and continued and continues to see all of them on occasion, and remains available to all of them as their Spiritual Owner
SlaveMaster never even heard of theft until He was 10 years old. He spent his young years in an isolated area where people were honest and helpful. Theft makes no sense to Him at all. He can't help it if a slave comes to Him and states that it has no other Master.
SlaveMaster knows from experience that one can not become slave if in a state of disrepair. one must be ego-developed, stable, and ready for development into self actualization
SlaveMaster is skeptical of every religion, if not downright anti-religious
He knows He has no power over anything at all, even the course of His own life and the things He must do.
SlaveMaster holds no one position over the other for any individual, outside of integrity. He believes we get what is right for us, individually.
SlaveMaster is gentle, kind, patient. Always. He is never any other way.
SlaveMaster usually wears khaki shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals. His mohawk is sort of goofy-looking. And His eyes smile a lot.
He doesn't like His own name. He often says it is the last name He would have chosen for Himself. The name came to Him, was given to Him, by that inner voice one can not ignore. Being a slavemaster is His job, which He reluctantly accepted because there was no other viable option. We need to do what we need to do.
SlaveMaster cries during films easily. He is touched and moved by humanity and the flow of the Universe. He is motivated to do what He does as SlaveMaster by His deep care for all creation.
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