12:13 (3 horas atrás)
A Proud American Tradition ~ The Trip to the Wood Shed!
do Leather Strap Spanking de Leather Strap
You know you're in for a real hiding when Dad grabs you by the ear and hauls your butt out to the Wood Shed!

Every farm... ranch... and home at one time had a Wood Shed out back for storing wood, tools and of courseDad's Leather Strap!
These out buildings were usually the domain of men... a place for the man of the house to get out from underfoot and work on projects to improve his property and home. A place to keep his tools and store the winters supply of wood. As such, it was only natural that this would be a place a father would take his son when discipline was required.
Life on the frontier was hard... and young males were expected to help work the farm or ranch with their father until the age of twenty-five.
Any income a son made went directly to the father until the young man reached that age of 25. It was custom at that time for a young male of that age to either stay on the farm or strike out on his own. A young man who stayed on the farm, as many did, were still have been subject to the rules of his father. A father had the right to whip his son well into his twenties and sometime as late as their early thirties if he and his brothers stayed at home. Each family had it's one set of traditions, rules and punishments set down by the father.
A son, who might well be in his early thirties could still be called out by his father and taken by the ear to the Wood Shed for a whippin!
Families were usually large and the father often had to take the role of a General in Charge...barking out marching orders, laying down the law and dispensing discipline.The young males of the family would have received much harsher punishment than that received by their female siblings, because the father felt it was his duty to make men out of his boys!
Young males were expected to be rowdy, troublesome and mischievous and their punishments reflected that behavior.
When you were sent to the Wood Shed, you mostly like would be expected to drop your trousers and bend over the woodpile, a sawhorse, a bale of hay or a wooden work bench. What ever was handy at the time!
Your father would likely give you a good walloping over his knee first! This would be followed by either a whacking with a rough hued paddle made from a plank of wood, a strapping with a length of leather cut from horse tackle, a leather belt or a Razor Strop or a thrashing administered with a fresh cut switch!
The older you were the harsher the punishment you would expect to get. You might not face the wrath of you father as often, but when you did you where given a real thrashing, because you were expected to know better.
A young man over the age of twenty would often be stripped, tied and given a lashing with a Razor Strop, horse whip or a bull whip! Most fathers still whipped the bare behinds of their sons, rather then his back... but not always!
A very strict or cruel father might well give his older sons the lash until blood was drawn... but though we know this was sometimes done to adult sons, we hope this was the exception rather then the rule!
This collection of images from Spanking Central celebrates the time honored place that the Wood Shed holds in American life!
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