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You are subscribed to Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower News for United States Air Force.
Release No: 161
June 25, 2012
AFPC officials digitize selection board process with eBOSS

by Erin Tindell

Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - RANDOLPH, Texas – The Air Force selection
board process enters a new digital era when board members begin
using an electronic record scoring system for
line for the Air Force captains and major and lieutenant colonel medical
service corps boards that convene July 16.
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - RANDOLPH, Texas – The Air Force selection

The electronic Board Operations
Support System, or eBOSS, allows board
members to use 135 human system interfaces with ergonomic touch-
screen workstations to view and score digital personnel

“By utilizing
digital records, eBOSS
allows the elimination of more than 235,000 duplicate paper records across the total
force,” said Capt. Terrell Tillery, Air Force Personnel Center selection board secretariat board recorder. “The system is the first of its kind
in the Department of Defense and will save
the Air Force approximately $2.8 million in annual
records maintenance costs once it’s fully
implemented in the active duty
and reserve component
selection board secretariats.”

The boardrooms feature workstations with high
-definition, touch
-screen monitors with a user interface similar to
a smartphone or tablet computer. The workstations are height adjustable to
allow board members to sit or stand while scoring records.

“This cutting edge
technology can reduce a typical three-week board by two to three days,” said Tillery. “Using eBOSS
enables board members to navigate, view and score records with
a simple touch of their fingertips to the screen when accessing
board-related documents. The largest benefits come from pre-board efficiencies for the staff and the elimination of
more than 107,000 paper records and the associated
records management costs.”

Multiple board members will also be able to access the same records at the same time to make the board process more efficient.

“Conducting a selection board requires long hours on behalf of the board members,” he said. “Our goal was to create a common board experience that allows members to effectively review and score records in a comfortable setting. Board members are charged with making decisions that directly impact the careers of our total force Airmen.”

AFPC officials also worked closely with representatives from the Air Force Personnel Operations Agency to ensure eBOSS syncs with necessary personnel data systems.
“AFPOA ensures the information technology capabilities delivered meet customer needs,” said Master Sgt. Christine Ward, AFPOA requirements management analyst. “We captured the promotion board’s needs and produced system requirements from an IT perspective. Additionally, we tested an automatic save function that will retain the data input to the system. The eBOSS
software supports a maximum recovery time of one day for recovery from an event causing
system application or failure.”

“The focus is to maintain a fair and equitable system for all
Airmen across the total force,” said Col. Ramona Dolson, Air Force selection
board secretariat chief. “We will continue to maintain the highest standards while developing and
employing the right technology at the right time.”

Officials will implement eBOSS incrementally as interfaces are developed for existing promotion and vectoring systems. Starting with the July 16 boards, eBOSS will be used for total force officer promotion boards to the grades of colonel and below. In early 2013, eBOSS is slated to be used for active duty, senior non-commissioned officer evaluation boards with complete implementation by mid-2013.

For more information about the selection board process and other personnel programs, visit the myPers website at https://mypers.af.mil.
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