Team Navy – Reserve component Sailors multiply force
Active duty and reserve component Sailors secure and fortify a remote combat outpost on the eastern edge of Khavejeh Molk, Afganistan.

As we approach the 97th anniversary celebrating the creation of the Navy Reserve on the 3rd of March, it is appropriate to recognize the critical support Naval Reservists provide to U.S. 5th Fleet/U.S. Naval Central Command operations on a daily basis.
Naval Reservists bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise from not only their previous Navy experiences, but their civilian backgrounds as well. Professors, police officers, doctors, lawyers, students, and business owners are serving as a force-multiplier to our fleet and they are doing so with distinction.
Reserve Sailors serve side-by-side with Active Duty Sailors, integrating seamlessly to contribute essential naval war-fighting capabilities. Their tours vary in length and satisfy the necessary requirements for Annual Training (AT), Active Duty Training (ADT), Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW), or Individual Augment (IA). Regardless of what’s printed on their orders, they are flexible, invaluable members of our team.
The reserve component’s contribution to COMUSNAVCENT/FIFTH FLEET cannot be overstated. We acknowledge their ‘can do’ attitudes with great pride and admiration!

Active duty and reserve component Sailors pose after securing and fortifying a combat outpost in Diwar, Afghanistan.

שבוע טוב לכולם, אמש נפגשתי עם ראש ממשלת קנדה ואמרתי לו: איראן היא האיום הגדול ביותר על השלום האזורי והעולמי, היא מפתחת נשק גרעיני וקוראת להשמדתה של מדינת ישראל.
אי לכך, אנו שומרים את הזכות להגן על עצמנו מפני המדינה הזו.
Good week, everyone. I met with the Prime Minister of Canada yesterday and told him: Iran is the greatest threat to regional and global peace
אי לכך, אנו שומרים את הזכות להגן על עצמנו מפני המדינה הזו.
Good week, everyone. I met with the Prime Minister of Canada yesterday and told him: Iran is the greatest threat to regional and global peace

This 4-DVD double-header was last posted on March 04, 2012 (for the first time by me or with all NEW links). I will be posting all of my gay adult and GTM movies or TV series and mainstream anthologies no more frequently than one time per month. ALL of my other material (TV show episodes, mainstream movies or music audio/video) will be re-posted ONE TIME ONLY. The only time you will see *any* posting any more frequently is if links had to be replaced due to deletion from (or addition to new) file sharing services. ALL file sharing links, personal web site URLs, etc (regardless the links being shared) are 100% NEW since February 16th, 2012.

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